Top 5 Google Cloud Certifications

Top 5 Google Cloud Certifications


In the world of Artificial Intelligence and practical applications, GCP or the Google Cloud Platform is a bit late in the world of public cloud computing, but in recent years it has changed the public cloud, especially the dubious AWS monopoly in Cloud. Admittedly, it is not the most popular public figure like Amazon Web Services or a daring company like Microsoft Azure, but likewise, Google’s performance, tools, and innovations are attracting more and more businesses to the Google Cloud, especially in the areas of big data and machine-learning. However, by keeping this in mind, Google was supposed to work on a strong incentive in order to build and support the powerful and highly regarded GCP cloud architect certification program. Though these efforts over the last two or three years have started to bear fruit, as the following table of job search results shows.

The Google Cloud Platform Certification Listing

The Google Certification Program has grown significantly since the last update. Last time we updated, Google offered two credentials, one at the level of associate and other at the professional level. Today, Google offers credentials and affiliate certificates. Here are some of the best online courses for learning Google Cloud or GCP. These courses not only teach you the concepts and technology that makes the Google Cloud world, but also understand what Google Cloud has to offer to developers, creators, and enthusiasts about the machine learning respectively.

Google-Cloud-Platform: Associate-Cloud Engineer

By keeping in mind that the GCP Associate Cloud Engineer certification is the basic credential that tends individuals to monitors the working and applications, supervise the business, and likewise come through the resolutions for the business concerns. However, with the purpose to measure up the potential of GCP Associate Cloud Engineer certification exam, people are supposed to evaluate this special opportunity for the solutions of Google-Cloud, which are as follows:

  • Creates an environment for GCP
  • Utilize as well as deploy the state of affairs of GCP
  • Make sure your Google Cloud Platform environment is working properly

However, it is good to see ACE as the mandate of the Google Cloud Platform. New or intermediate cloud computing professionals are likely to prefer to obtain GCP Associate Cloud Engineer certification and want to work with the holders of this credential.

Google-Cloud-Platform: Professional-Cloud Architect

GCP Professional-Cloud-Architect (P.C.A) modifies the businesses in order to use Google Cloud technology effectively and efficiently. However, the owners of GCP cloud architect certification can be considered to generate patterns, and handle powerful resolutions of the GCP to achieve powerfully, and affordable business goals. Though, having the intention to accomplish the GCP cloud architect certification, tests are designed to evaluate the following specific solutions:

  • Generate patterns, and development of cloud-based solutions for the architecture
  • Methods provide compatible solutions in the cloud
  • Come through the cloud software operations
  • Make sure your cloud solutions are reliable and durable

PCA is an advanced degree that will appeal most to mid- to mid-level employees who are interested in working as a cloud architect for organizations of a certain size.

Google-Cloud-Platform: Professional-Data Engineer

GCP Professional-Data Engineer (P.D.E) are considered to target on determining, and consuming the stored information and data over the platform of the Google-cloud, instead of scheming, and operating. These professed patterns, construct and analyze problems arising from the processing system. Particular care should be taken in the PDE and testing program to ensure that these computing methods are supposed to be safe, and also tolerable. In order to gain access, it is believed that tests are designed to evaluate the following specific GCP methods:

  • Create, manage, and deal with the GCP data-bases
  • Designing the dependability and reliability, continuity for the GCP
  • Review Google Cloud Platform data and security policies

PDE is most likely to attract computer scientists fascinated about big-data or computer research. This is a great reference for those with strong data interests.

Professional Cloud Developer

Professional Cloud Developer (PCD) is ideal for candidates using Google services, tools, and best practices to design, build, test, and deploy highly scalable applications. Applicants must have the skills necessary to successfully integrate GCP services and monitor application success. Although candidates are not tested, applicants must be able to use Stackdriver for debugging, code generation and tracking. Knowledge of at least one programming language is also recommended. The purpose of the test is to validate the candidate’s competencies and skills for using GCP services and practices in five key areas:

  • Develop native applications in the cloud
  • Development and testing of applications
  • Determining the requirements
  • Integration of the Google Cloud Platform Services
  • Manage application performance tests

On the other hand, it believed that over the certification site, candidates will find links to exam schedules and sample cases to prepare for the exam. Recommended training includes Essentials Google Cloud Platform: Basic Infrastructure Course and Application Development with Google Cloud Platform.

Professional Cloud Security Engineer

Another newcomer to the Google Certification Library is Professional Cloud-Security Engineer (CSE). With specialized skills, CSEs are familiar with security requirements, regulations, best practices and security materials and technologies, such as image and access management, GCP data protection, network security, flame detection, event management, and community safety recommendations. However, CSE also has the ability to design, implement, and manage security infrastructure in GCP. Though, the test confirms the candidate’s ability to:

  • Create cloud access
  • Network cloud security configuration
  • Data protection
  • Operation Management of operations in a cloud environment
  • Observe the regulations

Like other demonstration and GCP cloud architect certification, Google offers a free review and testing review and in-depth discussions.

Google Cloud Platform Empowerment

For those working on the Google Cloud Platform or current certifications, it seems like a sure contribution to professional and individualized improvement as well as evolution. Though, by giving them the high relative requirement, comparatively the less reimbursement along with the unique evaluation of their certificates, the risk-benefit ratio seems to be somewhat favorable. Make sure you work for an organization using this cloud platform or want to work for it.

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