Benefits of building your own website


In a world where communications and the Internet grow faster than any other index you can imagine (poverty, wealth, employment, unemployment, etc.), having a presence on the Internet is undoubtedly something that ceased to be an option.

What are the benefits? Many, mainly to have an organized portal in which to tell the world who you are, what you do, what services you provide, what products you can bring to them, what are your credentials and so many other things (And if you are one of those gurus who believe that having a fan page on Facebook or a Twitter profile is enough, then please you can stop reading).

The dynamics of having a website today are far superior to those of any social network, although properly worked social networks is also important.

Surely you’ve already heard that famous phrase “If you’re not on the Internet, you do not exist” and it makes a lot of sense. Today there are few businesses that do not have Internet presence, and, if it is your case, then you must know that creating a website is the step you must take to achieve the scope that your firm needs. Whether you have a small business or you want to grow your own personal brand, having a website is key nowadays.

This will improve your communication, allow your customers to get in touch directly or even just increase your customer base.

To help you understand why, here is a list of 5 benefits.

  1. It’s like having an advertisement that is available to your audience 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with very low cost, so you do not have to pay for impressions or expensive advertisements, and you can get new clients, offer all Detail information about products and services, and boost your business to other markets, among other things.
  2. With a website you will achieve a greater reach, being able to reach multiple potential clients. Keep in mind that, if you have a website and apply some SEO techniques, it will be very easy for users to find you through the Google search engine. Today we all look for what interests us in Google, so it is important to have a presence on the Web to be able to appear. You can create a free website easily with website builders.
  3. A new way of customer service: On your website you can inform your customers about everything related to your business and your products and services. In addition, you can also include new contact forms, or even put a chat so they can contact you in real time and thus be able to resolve all their doubts. In addition, you can also add an FAQ that can help answer some things related to what you do.
  4. Networking: With a website you can also find professional contacts that can help you improve your business. In the event that your website is for your personal brand, then it will be very good for other professionals to see your profile and have access to contact you for future collaborations, for example.
  5. In addition to all this, creating a website will help you improve the image of your company, as well as attract and retain new customers. If you have a local business, with a website you can have an international reach with your products.


What to keep in mind when creating a personal website?

Perhaps one of the greatest maxims of Personal Branding says:

“Personal brand is what we are and also what others say we are” Jeff Bezos

Then your website should mainly represent what you are and also what others say about you, the more experience you have the better.

Some infallible sections are:

  • Biography: a summary of your life, not a Curriculum, a summary, tell a story, fall in love with your customers.
  • Main Services: What are you into? , what are you an expert in?
  • Press or Articles in the media.
  • Products: If you sell your own or third-party e-books, services such as hosting or others, they must have a separate section.
  • Testimonials: of your clients, the more the better, a video is better but if it is not possible, at least place their photo with the texts.
  • Certifications: I am one of those who believes that displaying credentials adds value to any personal branding site.
  • Your Contact: This is an important information that allows customers to contact you.
  • Resources / Downloads: offers free resources or unique and exclusive material to your readers, which will give you authority and generate confidence.
  • Blog: updated regularly with topics that you are passionate about so you do not lose your audience enthusiasm.

In summary, note that the importance of owning your own website cannot be overemphasized. As a matter of fact, it is more expensive for your business to not have one. But when you do have one, people will be able to find you from any device and at any time because a professional website is your main letter of introduction.

In addition your website must fulfill specific functions: sell your services and/or products, tell your story, show your credentials, expose those who are happy to work with you and finally have different means of contact.

Do you have a project to create a website for your company? Contact hPage.comfree website builder now to discuss!

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