How to plan SIP investments in construction companies


The construction and infrastructure development sector is a key focus area for the Indian economy. Successful implementation of large infrastructure projects bodes well for growth in the long run. For investors looking to benefit from the growth prospects, construction companies offer an appealing investment opportunity through SIPs in mutual funds focused on this theme. Effective financial planning and prudent mutual fund SIP investments are important to navigate risks and generate returns.

Evaluating SIP fund options

There are different types of mutual fund schemes that invest in construction and allied companies benefiting from India’s infrastructure push.

  • Infrastructure funds: Scheme mandates allocate 65-80% to construction, cement, metal, logistics, etc. companies.
  • Mid cap funds: Mid-sized construction players are a strong feature. 
  • Multi cap funds: Large-cap construction giants form a key part of the portfolio. 
  • Thematic funds: Nippon India Infrastructure Fund focuses exclusively on infrastructure plays.

Investors should analyse track records, exposure concentration, and risks when selecting the right construction sector funds for SIPs.

Customizing SIPs for goals

Ideally, construction SIP investments should form one component of a larger diversified portfolio to mitigate sector-specific risks. Linking SIP amounts to financial goals ensures discipline.

– Child’s education (10 years): Rs. 6,000/month SIP 

– Retirement corpus (20 years): Rs. 3,000/month SIP

– House purchase (5 years): Rs. 15,000/quarterly SIP

Using an SIP calculator provides clarity on target amounts while regular SIPs help remain invested through market cycles.

Managing construction company risks 

Key risks include delays in project implementation, cost overruns, and contractual disputes dragging returns in the short-to-medium term. Effective portfolio management calls for the following actions:

– Selecting financially strong players with proven execution ability

– Monitoring pledged shares, debts, and liquidity positions 

– Keeping allocation to large established names for balancing risks 

– Reducing after sharp rallies and adding during corrections   

– Cap allocation when high beta periods are foreseen

Diversifying across fund houses and portfolio exposures acts as a safety cushion against company-specific issues.

Regular review and rebalancing 

Periodic monitoring ensures portfolios remain in line with risk profiles and goals over time.

– Review performance, fund manager changes every 1-2 years

– Rebalance if infrastructure weight exceeds 25-30% of asset allocation

– Exit and redirect SIPs if the target dates of goals are approaching  

– Utilise the bull and bear cycles to optimize portfolio returns

This approach provides a safety net against the concentration risks and stays focused on financial commitments.

Using SWP for post-retirement income

Post sufficient accumulation, investors can opt for SIP’s systematic withdrawal plan (SWP) feature for regular income needs.

– Starting at age 60, withdraw Rs. 30,000 every quarter from the accumulated corpus  

– Inbuilt inflation adjustment of 5% every 3 years ensures income sustains long-term

– Monthly distributions garner growth and dividends over the years

– Provides a stable income stream in retirement 

Strategic and reviewed SIP payments in equity mutual funds in construction companies help maximize the benefits of India’s infrastructure growth. Combined with financial discipline, risk management orientation makes it a prudent wealth creation avenue in the long run.

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