Find remote Job: 5 authentic remote jobs to apply in 2020

Find remote Job: 5 authentic remote jobs to apply in 2020

Jobs & Career

Recent times have been bad for businesses of all types and sizes across the globe due to Covid-19 pandemic situation. Many organizations have resorted to remote work concept, which has thrown up plenty of opportunities to aspiring employees. Previously, you had to struggle to Find remote Job that are legitimate and offer good money. You need to be well researched and knowledgeable to stay away from scams and fraudsters.

Real and good paying remote jobs

  • Medical transcriptionist: You have the liberty to work from your place of choice and time. Your job requires a desk, earpiece and computer to transcribe pre-recorded medical dictation. You are expected to have a post-secondary medical transcriptionist certificate. The average income of a medical transcriptionist is $16.72/hour.
  • Translator: Work from home translation jobs requires meeting tight deadlines. You need to have a valid bachelor’s degree and fluency in several languages. A good number of industries do hire translators like technical, scientific and professional services. Government, hospitals, private, local and state educational services do hire translators experienced in a particular niche. The average annual wage of a translator is $49,930.
  • Social Media Manager: There have emerged different social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. that have become popular with time. Big & small businesses have realized the significance of using social medial platforms to promote their products and services. It is indeed a wonderful way to reach potential customers directly. But they do need an expert to manage different social media accounts. The job involves helping businesses to grow, expand its reach by creating huge online following. To get this job, you need to demonstrate sizeable following and good command over social media. Average earnings of social media managers are about $50,473 annually.
  • Web developer: You should know how to create a successful, great looking website with easy to navigate features. Majority of the individuals and organizations do not have the knowledge to create customized websites or the time. Average annual income of experienced web developers is about $69,430. To get into this field, you need a portfolio boasting of successful sites you have managed and developed. You also require applicable experience and postsecondary education.
  • Blogger: Organizations & individuals have taken up blogging to promote their brand of products or services. But writing good, informative blogs requires specific writing skills and domain expertise as well as using of keywords. You can own a blog where you can publish your articles. Also, you can write for others, develop an audience and help grow your client’s site. As a blogger, you can make money through sponsored posts, affiliate advertising, product sales & Google Adsense. Average annual income of a blogger is approximately $32,934. Owning a blog is quite inexpensive. You just need a domain and web hosting platform.

You can Find remote Job at authentic sites that pays well and allows you to have a wonderful lifestyle. With some research, you can get plenty of remote jobs in your niche domain.

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