What Is Configuration Management Strategy

What Is Configuration Management Strategy



Configuration management includes the administrative activities focused about the creation, support, controlled change and quality control of the extent of work.


A configuration is the arrangement of utilitarian and physical qualities of a last deliverable characterized in the particular and accomplished in the execution of plans. Configuration management can be viewed as resource control and is fundamental whether numerous variants of a deliverable will be made. At its least difficult, configuration management is version control.

Configuration management is a priceless tool for giving control of the expectations and keeping away from mix-ups and false impressions. It is an essential piece of value management.

The procedure guarantees that the deliverable meets the predefined execution criteria. It likewise guarantees that sufficient procedure is set up to give proceeding with support to the length of the product life cycle.

What Is Project Configuration Management?

Project configuration management is dealing with the configuration of the entirety of the project’s key products and resources. This incorporates any final results that will be conveyed to the client, just as all management products, for example, the project management plan and performance management benchmark. Execution of configuration management and project change management need to happen connected at the hip. Any change must be observed and evaluated to decide its effect on project configuration. The two procedures are interrelated to the point that project configuration management has been said to be “somewhat like change management on steroids.”

5 Stages Of Configuration Management Process

There are five stagesof a configuration management process:

Planning:A configuration management plan ought to depict a particular system and the degree of their application during the existence cycle. The configuration should likewise recognize jobs and duties regarding completing configuration management. Configuration management must be arranged so as to be viable, unsurprising and repeatable.

Identification: This includes separating the work into part expectations (configuration items), making an interesting numbering or referencing system and setting up configuration baselines;

Control: This guarantees all progressions to configuration items are recorded. A significant angle is the capacity to distinguish the interrelationships between configuration items. This is basic data for the review and assessments steps in the change control process;

Status Accounting:This tracks the present status of a configuration, giving discernibility of configuration items all through their development and activity;

Review And Assessment:This is utilized to decide if a deliverable fits in with its necessities and configuration data. Regularly, a review is attempted toward the finish of a stage, phase or tranche.

Why Do We Need Configuration Management?

The essential explanations behind Implementing Software Configuration Management System are:

  • There are various individuals taking a shot at programming which is consistently refreshing
  • It might be where different adaptation, branches, creators are associated with a product project, and the group is geologically connected and works simultaneously
  • Changes in client requirements, strategy, budget, plan should be suited.
  • Programming should ready to run on different machines and Operating Systems
  • Creates coordination among partners
  • SCM process is additionally useful to control the costs associated with making changes to a system

Configuration Management Strategies

While building pipelines, there are numerous potential strategies for organizing your configuration in source control. No single strategy can cover all circumstances. In the wake of reading this blog, we trust you feel prepared to choose a methodology.

  • Single Repository for Each Foundation

This is the least difficult thing that might work. It’s the default accepted in the entirety of our models, except if we’ve enunciated a particular motivation to pick an alternate methodology. It involves utilizing a solitary git archive for every foundation.

Following foundation changes are basic, beginning is simple, copying foundation is just an issue of cloning an archive, and configuration documents are not hard to comprehend.

  • Multiple Foundations with one Repository

Numerous foundations may utilize a single git configuration source however have various factors stacked from anfoundation explicit vars record, credhub, git storehouse, and so forth. This methodology is fundamentally the same as the Single Repository for Each Foundation portrayed above, then again, actually factors are stacked in from outer sources.

The variable source might be stacked in various manners. For instance, it might be stacked from a different foundation explicit git storehouse, anfoundation specific subdirectory in the configuration source, or even an foundation specific vars document found in the base git configuration.

This strategy can decrease the quantity of in general configuration records and configuration archives in play, and can lessen establishment float (as the essential configuration is being pulled from a solitary ace source). Be that as it may, configuration management and privileged insights taking care of can immediately turn out to be all the more testing.

  • Characterize Jobs And Duties

All members in the SACM process should comprehend their jobs and duties. Normal jobs and related duties include:

  • Configuration owner:Responsible for the general CMS strategy and procedure development.
  • Configuration manager: Oversees the process and is the most elevated positioning administrator engaged with the everyday CMS actvities. Liable for the everyday support of the CMS.
  • Configuration database administrator(s): Responsible for the everyday support and updates to the configuration management data bases (CMDBs).
  • Configuration item (CI) owners: Responsible for the status and traits of the CI.
  • Configuration database engineers: Design arrangements and give specialized information.
  • Comprehend What Tools Are Accessible To Help The Procedure

Explore what current tools are accessible inside your association for acquiring, storing, overseeing and refreshing the CMS data. Recognize which tools meet the characterized necessities, and which prerequisites still can’t seem to be met by existing tools. Realizing your tools stock will hugely affect the making of your association’s inevitable data model and CMS structure.

Use tools to automate data collection and help moderate the danger of blunders that can be presented by manual data section and maintenance. An exertion ought to be made to recognize any extra tools that could help in the mechanization procedure and decide whether a business case can be made to help their buy. While building up a business case might be troublesome, adjusting it back to the planning activities led in stages three and five will help legitimize their buy.

There are many options available to pursue a career in configuration management; if you want to become a Microsoft system configuration manager then you should get yourself 70-773 or 70-778 certification.

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